Gambling with Faith: 5 Reasons Why Christians Should Refrain from Gambling

A lot of Christians are unsure whether or not it is acceptable to gamble at a casino, or gamble in general. While no scripture indicates it clearly, there are multiple instances where the Bible hints as to what Christian belief states about gambling.

In this article we take a look at several reasons why you should not gamble, whether it is at an online casino or betting on horses.

1. You Lose Focus on Faith

When a person gambles, he loses focus on his faith. No longer are you a dedicated Christian following the gospel, but merely a vessel that aims to make money. You lose focus on other aspects of life too, including your family, your relationship with God and your job in general.

2. You Take from the Needy

In most cases the national lottery and casinos make their money from taxes. Inadvertently if you support this activity and are involved in it, you take money from those who need it most. By taking money from the less fortunate, you act in defiance of what the Bible says.

three cards - Gambling with Faith: 5 Reasons Why Christians Should Refrain from Gambling

3. You Can Become Addicted

The dangers of problem gambling are very real and very dangerous. A lot of those who fall in this alluring trap have to go for counselling, yet the addiction will always leave an invisible scar. As we know, the Bible warns us against any addictive substances and activities.

4. You Give Money to Sinners

While you take money from the needy, you make the wallets of sinners and ungodly folk fatter. This in itself is considered as an obstruction of what the Bible says. By entertaining ungodliness and ungodly activities, we are sinning.

aces - Gambling with Faith: 5 Reasons Why Christians Should Refrain from Gambling

5. You Seek Pleasure Outside of Faith

Being a Christian takes more than attending a couple of sermons and praying now and then. It requires us to seek pleasure in our faith and God. Gambling takes the focus away from finding pleasure in our faith, and we find pleasure in this sinful act.

If you are still unsure about what the Bible says about gambling, get some inspiration on intimate prayers here. As you can see gambling is as much a sin as it is to dishonour your father and mother. We trust that this article could shed some light on this subject.